33 research outputs found

    Health and Health Care Use of Elderly Immigrants in the Netherlands: a comparative study

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    History shows an ongoing voluntary or involuntary migration flow of people from their birthplaces to other societies. Many Western countries have become multi-ethnic societies. The number of elderly immigrants in those countries is rapidly rising. Contrary to the situation in the United States, little information is yet available on the health status and health care use of elderly immigrants in Europe, including the Netherlands. In Europe, elderly are often included as part of the study population whereas in the United States separate studies on elderly have been conducted indicating more health prob

    Planned home compared with planned hospital births: Mode of delivery and Perinatal mortality rates, an observational study

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    Background: To compare the mode of delivery between planned home versus planned hospital births and to determine if differences in intervention rates could be interpreted a

    Perinatale gezondheid in Rotterdam; nulmeting periode 2000-2007

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    Inleiding Rotterdam heeft binnen Nederland een relatief hoog perinataal sterftecijfer. Onder perinatale sterfte verstaan we sterfte vanaf 22 weken zwangerschapsduur tot en met de eerste 7 dagen na de geboorte. Dit bleek reeds in 2008 toen De Graaf et al. beschreven dat vrouwen in de vier grote steden een sterk verhoogde kans hebben op perinatale sterfte en daarmee samenhangende perinatale ziekte. De belangrijkste vier perinatale ziekten, die vaak voorlopers zijn van perinatale sterfte, zijn aangeboren afwijkingen, vroeggeboorte, laag geboortegewicht gelet op de zwangerschapsduur, en een lage Apgar score (een slechte start bij de geboorte). In vervolg op de bevindingen voor Rotterdam is in 2008 het Aanvalsplan Perinatale Sterfte Rotterdam van start gegaan. Dit is een meerjarig programma waarin de Gemeente Rotterdam in samenwerking met het Erasmus MC en de GGD Rotterdam Rijnmond tot doel heeft de perinatale sterfte en perinatale ziekte binnen Rotterdam te verminderen. Een eerste stap hierbij is het nauwkeurig in kaart brengen van perinatale ziekten en sterfte, en de factoren die mogelijk hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn. Deze factoren kunnen gebonden zijn aan zwangeren zelf, met hun omgeving te maken hebben of met de zorg te maken hebben

    Differences in perinatal morbidity and mortality on the neighbourhood level in Dutch municipalities: A population based cohort study

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    Background: In a national perinatal health programme, we observed striking heterogeneity in the explanation of the most prominen

    The BeHealthyR Study: A randomized trial of a multicomponent intervention to reduce stress, smoking and improve financial health of low-income residents in Rotterdam

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    Background: Compared to higher socioeconomic status (SES) groups, those in lower SES groups are financially strained, experience higher rates of smoking-related morbidity, are in poorer health and have reduced life expectancy. This is especially true for the city of Rotterdam, where a large inequality in health is observed between low and high SES groups. The BeHealthyR study (Dutch: Grip en Gezondheid) is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) which will evaluate the impact of a theory-based multicomponent behavior intervention aiming to reduce stress, smoking, and improve financial health by means of a group-based stress management program combining cognitive and behavioral techniques, and nudges in low-SES residents living in Rotterdam. Methods: The BeHealthyR study is a three-arm RCT. Between February 2018 and July 2019, low-SES participants who perceive stress, smoke, are financially strained and reside in Rotterdam (one of the four largest cities in The Netherlands) are recruited. Subsequently, participants are randomly assigned to either a stress management condition (SM), stress management with a buddy condition (SM-B) or a control condition (CC). Participants in the SM and SM-B conditions will attend four weekly group sessions (1.5 h/session) and a follow-up session eight weeks later. The SM condition includes psychoeducation and exercises, and cognitive and behavioral intervention techniques. Demographic data and objective measures will be collected at baseline (T0), four weeks post-baseline (T1), and twelve weeks post-baseline (T2). Primary outcome measures are to reduce stress, smoking and improve financial health. We hypothesize that low-SES participants in the intervention conditions, compared with those in the control condition, will experience less stress, smoke less and have improved financial health. Discussion: This study is a group-based intervention which aims to investigate the effects of a theory-based behavioral change intervention employing several components on reducing stress, smoking, and improving financial health in low-SES residents living in Rotterdam. If effective, the findings from the present study will serve to inform future directions of research and clinical practice with regard to behavioral change interventions for low-SES groups. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (ID: NCT03553979). Registered on January 1 2018

    Current practice of preconception care by primary caregivers in the Netherlands

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    Objectives: Over the past decade the value of preconception care (PCC) consultations has been acknowledged. Investments have been made to promote delivery and uptake of PCC consultations in the Dutch primary care setting. We assessed current activities, perceptions and prerequisites for delivery of PCC in primary care. Methods: A questionnaire was compiled and distributed by mail or e-mail among 1682 general practitioners (GPs) and 746 midwives in the Netherlands between 2013 and 2014. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 449 GPs and 250 midwives. While GPs and midwives were frequently asked about preconception risks, explicit requests by patients for a PCC consultation were less frequent. Although caregivers gave information on preconception risk factors, only a minority recommended PCC in the form of a dedicated consultation. Such consultations occurred infrequently. Risk factor assessment varied between GPs

    Knowledge on preconceptional folic acid supplementation and intention to seek for preconception care among men and women in an urban city: A population-based cross-sectional study

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    Background: To study the knowledge of a large city population on preconception folic acid supplementation and intention to seek for preconception care within an urban perinatal health program. Methods: Cross-sectional surveys run in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 2007 and annually from 2009 to 2014. A random sample of residents aged between 16 and 85 years was taken each year from the municipal population register. Bivariate analysis, interaction analysis, trend analysis and logistic regression were performed. Results: Knowledge on preconceptional folic acid supplementation significantly improved (+20 %) between 2007 and 2009, and the intention to consult a GP or midwife in the preconception period significantly increased (+53 %) from 2007 to 2012. Logistic regression analyses showed that low socio-economic status was significantly associated with low preconceptional folic acid knowledge, but with higher intention to seek out preconception care. An interaction effect was found between educational level and ethnicity, showing that the higher the educational level the lower the gap of level of knowledge between the different ethnic groups. Conclusion: Despite campaigns about folic acid supplementation knowledge on this supplement remains low. The intention amongst men and women to seek out preconception care is still insufficient. Structural interventions to increase and maintain awareness on folic acid supplementation, especially among high-risk groups, are needed

    Developing social marketed individual preconception care consultations: Which consumer preferences should it meet?

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    Aims: Preconception care (PCC) is care that aims to improve the health of offspring by addressing risk factors in the pre-pregnancy period. Consultations are recognized as a method to promote perinatal health. However, prospective parents underutilize PCC services. Uptake can improve if delivery approaches satisfy consumer preferences. Aim of this study was to identify preferences of women (consumers) as a first step to social marketed individual PCC consultations. Methods: In depth, semi-structured interviews were performed to identify women's views regarding the four components of the social marketing model: product (individual PCC consultation), place (setting), promotion (how women are made aware of the product) and price (costs). Participants were recruited from general practices and a midwife's practice. Content analysis was performed by systematic coding with NVIVO software. Results: The 39 participants reflected a multiethnic intermediately educated population. Product: Many participants had little knowledge of the need and the benefits of the product. Regarding the content of PCC, they wish to address fertility concerns and social aspects of parenthood. PCC was seen as an informing and coaching service with a predominant role for health-care professionals. Place: the general practitioner and midwife setting was the most mentioned setting. Promotion: A professional led promotion approach was preferred. Price: Introduction of a fee for PCC consultations will make people reconsider their need for a consultation and could exclude vulnerable patients from utilization. Conclusion: This study provides consumer orientated data to design a social marketed delivery approach for individual PCC consultations

    An instrument for broadened risk assessment in antenatal health care including non-medical issues.

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    Growing evidence on the risk contributing role of non-medical factors on pregnancy outcomes urged for a new approach in early antenatal risk selection. The evidence invites to more integration, in particular between the clinical working area and the public health domain. We developed a non-invasive, standardized instrument for comprehensive antenatal risk assessment. The current study presents the application-oriented development of a risk screening instrument for early antenatal detection of risk factors and tailored prevention in an integrated care setting. A review of published instruments complemented with evidence from cohort studies. Selection and standardization of risk factors associated with small for gestational age, preterm birth, congenital anomalies and perinatal mortality. Risk factors were weighted to obtain a cumulative risk score. Responses were then connected to corresponding care pathways. A cumulative risk threshold was defined, which can be adapted to the population and the availability of preventive facilities. A score above the threshold implies multidisciplinary consultation between caregivers. The resulting digital score card consisted of 70 items, subdivided into four non-medical and two medical domains. Weighing of risk factors was based on existing evidence. Pilot-evidence from a cohort of 218 pregnancies in a multi-practice urban setting showed a cut-off of 16 points would imply 20% of all pregnant women to be assessed in a multidisciplinary setting. A total of 28 care pathways were defined. The resulting score card is a universal risk screening instrument which incorporates recent evidence on non-medical risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes and enables systematic risk management in an integrated antenatal health care setting

    Fear of failure: a polynomial regression analysis of the joint impact of the perceived learning environment and personal achievement goal orientation

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    Background and Objectives: Alongside a strong emphasis on performance and achievement in the current higher educational system, researchers hav